If you are into search engine optimisation then no doubt you will be aware of the furore created by Google's Penguin update.� You've probably seen the articles sprouting up around the Internet that SEO is now, or very soon to be, dead, and that 'content marketing' is the way forward. Well, to us it doesn't seem so clear cut.
Certainly Google has once again moved the bar, but for them that is normal.� After all, they tweak their ranking algorithm a little bit every day, and in a more major way weekly/monthly. With Penguin they have made some significant changes, however for the majority of the changes they are really just moving the bar in the same direction they had already been going.
Freshness of content, for example, has been around for some time.� They've just made it a little more important.� Offsite content and its freshness, well that was already there too, just made relatively a little more important again.� Quality of website construction and t...