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AdWords News: PPC Ads are Removed from Sidebar23rd February 2016

Google has been testing this layout since December and it is now being rolled out to users worldwide, in all languages. The move will present marketers and searchers alike with a different search experience that is more consistent across different devices, such as mobile and desktop. 


Why is Google Making These Changes? 


It is thought that the changes in AdWords will help results to be displayed more clearly when users access them using different devices. The desktop and tablet user experience will become more closely connected to the mobile experience. 


It will also allow more space for Product Listing Ads (PLAs) to be displayed in the sidebar. Therefore, for many users, the overall appearance probably won’t be all that different. 


It is thought that another reason might be to do with the click-through-rate (CTR) for sidebar ads. If they are underperforming compared to the ads displayed at the top of the page, it will be more beneficial for advertisers to have their ads shown in the positions that generate the highest amount of traffic to their sites. 


What Will the Changes Mean for you and your Ads? 


These changes in AdWords will allow advertisers to show their ads in a more prominent position, rather than in the sidebar where they could be in danger of low CTRs. It is still early days and new trends will begin to emerge over time – we cannot be sure how it will affect competition, or how CTRs will change as people become familiar with the new format. However, the move has many potential benefits that advertisers are just beginning to tap into. 


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